Tourist Information Points in Cádiz

Are you planning a trip to the city of Cádiz? If the answer is “yes”, this article will be of interest to you, as we are going to tell you about 7 tourist information points that you can find in Cádiz.


Cadiz Municipal Tourist Office

It has all the technical and human resources to guarantee a quality tourist service, as it has been awarded the Q Tourist Quality seal. It also has access adapted for people with reduced mobility.

It is located on Avenida José León de Carranza, on the corner of Avenida de la Coruña. 

It offers tourist services from Tuesday to Sunday, except on 1 and 6 January and 25 December. As for the telephone service, it will be open uninterruptedly in the mornings and afternoons. 

Telephone number: 95.628.56.01

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centro turistico

Municipal Tourist Office (Visitor Centre)

It has all the resources to guarantee a quality tourist service, as it has been awarded the “Q” Tourist Quality seal. Tourist information is provided to the public in English, German and French.

It is located in Paseo de Canalejas without number. It also has access adapted for people with reduced mobility.

It offers tourist information from Tuesday to Sunday, with the exception of 1 and 6 January and 25 December. As for the telephone service, it will be open uninterruptedly in the mornings and afternoons. 

Telephone: 95.624.10.01


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Tourist Office of the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Regional Government)

This tourist information point has been awarded with the Tourist Quality Seal as it is equipped with everything necessary to provide a quality tourist service in several languages.

It is located in Avenida Ramón de Carranza without number. It also has access adapted for people with reduced mobility.

It offers tourist attention from Monday to Friday from 09:30 hrs to 19:30 hrs. 

From Friday to Sunday and holidays from 09:30 hrs to 15:00 hrs. 

Telephone number: 95.620.31.91


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Provincial Tourist Board of Cádiz

This information point is catalogued as a place of Tourist Quality, and has the distinctive of the Q, which is a guarantee in terms of the service provided. It is available in several languages, English, German and French.

It is located at 22 Alameda Apocada Street. It has access adapted for people with reduced mobility.

It offers tourist attention from Tuesday to Sunday, except for the 1st and 6th of January and 25th of December. As for the telephone attention, it will be given uninterruptedly in the morning and in the afternoon, from 09:00 hrs to 19:30 hrs.

Telephone number: 95.680.70.61


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Provincial Delegation of Tourism of Cádiz

This tourist information point has all the means to guarantee a quality tourist service, as it has been awarded with the Q Tourist Quality seal. It is prepared to provide all the tourist documentation on the province of Cádiz.

It is located at number 4, Calle Jacinto. It has access adapted for people with reduced mobility.

It offers tourist information from Tuesday to Sunday, except for 1 and 6 January and 25 December. As for the telephone attention, it will be given uninterruptedly in the morning and in the afternoon, from 09:00 hrs to 19:30 hrs.

Telephone: 95.600.84.50


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Playa Victoria Information Point

Its objective is to provide tourist information during the summer season, serving as a support to different tourist points. Even so, it is equipped with all the necessary means to provide a quality tourist service

It is located on the promenade of Playa de la Victoria. 

It has access adapted for people with reduced mobility.

It is only open during the summer months, i.e. from 1st June to 30th September from 09:30 hrs to 19:30 hrs.

It offers a tourist information service, telephone assistance and dissemination of informative messages related to tourism in Cádiz.

Telephone number: 95.625.04.26


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Caleta Beach Information Point

This is the most recent information point in the city, offering services in English, French, German and Italian. It also has the Tourist Quality certificate.

It is located on the promenade of Playa de la Caleta.

It has access adapted for people with reduced mobility.

It is only open during the summer months, i.e. from 1 June to 30 September from 09:30 hrs to 19:30 hrs.

It offers a tourist information service, telephone assistance and dissemination of information messages related to tourism in Cádiz.

Telephone number: 95.622.26.68 



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