What to see and do in Almuñecar, Salobreña and Motril?

Almuñécar, Salobreña and Motril are some of the favorite destinations for tourists in Granada, for its charm, its incredible beaches and for the peace that a person feels when sunbathing while listening to the sea in the background. 

They are known for being part of the so-called “Costa Tropical”, which corresponds neither more nor less than 72 kilometers that extend along the waters of the Mediterranean. 

In these three idyllic places you can find a large number of beaches and small coves that border the area, flooding it with crystal clear waters. In addition, it has an annual temperature of 20º C. 

The three coastal municipalities offer tourists several things to do and see while you are there, in addition to visiting the beaches. 

If you wish to visit the area, we can offer you a guided tour or a free tour.

There are many nautical and water sports for beach lovers. 

Tour Granada

If you also want to enjoy cultural tourism we can assure you that you are in the right place.

Photo of the beach

Things to see and do in Almuñécar 

Almuñécar is well known nationally, not only for its beaches but for the amount of culture that covers this place, being an area that tourists take a special affection once they visit it. 

If you want to know Almuñecar in depth, you are in the right place because we are going to provide you with all the information you need to know so you can visit this magical place. 

Here is a list of some of the things that will leave you amazed.

Photo of the beach

San Miguel Castle 

This castle is the best known of Almuñécar and besides the beaches of this place, this castle is the main attraction of the area. 

It is located on the hill of San Miguel, situated in a wonderful enclave for its perfect views of the sea. You can also see from the top the old town of the municipality and the beautiful mountains that surround it. 

This castle is standing since the 7th century BC and was thanks to the work of the Phoenicians. Later it has been restructured, to fortify and enlarge it. 

Within the grounds of the Castillo de San Miguel you can see a pavilion that houses a museum of the history of Almuñécar, tunnels, large rooms built into the towers and even a dungeon. 

From the top of the castle you will be able to see the ancient aqueduct that connected the castle walls with the great rock that was located below. 

It is a very complete place and prepared to receive an influx of tourists. 

You will not regret visiting it.

Photo of the castle

Castle of La Herradura. 

The Castle is located in La Herradura, within the Municipality of Almuñécar (Granada). It was built as part of the improvements in favor of the old kingdom of Granada, carried out during the reign of Carlos III. 

It is located at the present time in the fertile plain of this locality. 

It has a very privileged place since it is only 120 meters from the beach. 

This castle is very easy to walk and access to it as it is in a very acceptable state, thanks to the work of the council, which has always tried to keep it in a suitable condition for tourism. With the intention that people who visit it can learn about its history. 

We encourage you to visit and know this magnificent place, because you will know part of the history and you can feel part of that past era. 

It is intended that in the future we will continue working on this project and work on it to make it as suitable as possible for people who want to visit it.

Photo of the castle

Acueducto romano

Este acueducto fue construido en el siglo I d.c y se construyó junto a la fábrica de salazones. 

Gracias a este monumento, en el pasado, el acueducto pudo abastecer de agua a la ciudad romana de Sexi. 

Algunos tramos de este lugar se siguen utilizando en la actualidad, siendo estos tramos, concretamente cinco, lo cual lo convierten en el mejor acueducto de Andalucía, por ser el que mejor se ha preservado: el de Torrecuevas, los tramos denominados I, II, III y el tramo de la Carrera de la Concepción en dirección aguas abajo del río Seco.

Además, esta declarado como Bien de Interés Cultural, y te podemos asegurar que una vez lo visites te darás cuenta del motivo de porque ha sido declarado como BIC. 

Te animamos a visitarlo y conocer parte de la historia de Almuñécar de una forma diferente, donde podrás descubrir el interés que transmite este lugar y podrás cultivar tu mente gracias a los guías que te ayudarán a pasear por allí. 

Image of a monument

Botanical-Archaeological Park El Majuelo

If you want to do a more active tourism, from OwayTours we encourage you to visit the Botanical-Archaeological Park El Majuelo. 

In this botanical garden you will be able to see and appreciate approximately 180 specimens of plants representative of the most tropical zones. 

Inside this idyllic place you will find the remains of the fish salting factory from Roman times. 

It has a great center of handicraft activities where you will appreciate some works and in addition to this, you will be able to make the purchases that you feel like in relation to the pieces. 

This botanical garden has a very flexible schedule so that you can visit it and has tried to adapt it to visitors, making the stay in it as pleasant as possible for them. 

In addition, it has very good prices to visit them, so that everyone can access it.

We have already told you about the infinite number of things to do and see in Almuñécar, but surely you did not expect to find this kind of Botanical Garden there.

Photo of the castle

Natural Site Cliffs of Maro-Cerro Gordo.

Surely you did not know that in Almuñécar there was a natural place of this type, but we anticipate that you will be impressed when you visit it. 

It is a narrow strip of 12 km long and it is also parallel to the coastline, penetrating a mile into the interior of the sea. 

In it you will find steep cliffs that are continuously interspersed with small beaches and coves of difficult access. 

It extends from the coastal watchtower of Maro to Calaiza Cove, where it also includes a marine strip that has an incalculable ecological value. 

The most curious thing about this is that when the sea is submerged inside, from the beaches, you can enjoy caves and steep bottoms, where a large number of plant species and a rich variety of marine fauna inhabit. 

We encourage you to visit it and spend a day in this wonderful natural place full of cliffs.

Photo of a cove

Almuñécar Fair

Not only will you find in this area, places to visit, you will also find some popular festivals of the site, so you can spend a pleasant time, enjoying a good atmosphere and knowing the deepest values of the municipality. 

After a day of beach or cultural tourism you can take the opportunity to put on your best clothes and go dancing and laughing in company. 

This celebration takes place in August, so in the middle of summer and in the moonlight you can visit and take the opportunity to meet the residents of the area, who will welcome you warmly. 

It lasts for a week and ends with a procession where the patron saint is paraded, and the most devout people in the area gladly accompany the procession. It also has a pyro-musical fireworks display. 

Festivities of San Juan 

Another important festival in this municipality are the festivities of San Juan, which are known nationally, but it is true, that here they take a very important role in the municipality. 

It is celebrated the night of June 23rd to June 24th and it is very special since the neighbors of the area and the tourists gather on the beaches of Almuñécar, around bonfires, which serve to illuminate the beaches of the area. 

The bonfires take importance just at 12 o’clock at night, since they are lit at that time, and just starts the party in the place. 

As a popular tradition, the people who accompany this party must wash their faces or take a bath to look good. 

The city council, which contributes to this celebration, distributes on the beach of Puerta de Mar the traditional and well-known oil buns with boiled eggs. 

In addition, the most curious thing about this, is that the city council contributes and collaborates with people by giving away flying Thai lamps, made of paper, with the intention of raising them into the air and make their corresponding wish. This creates a light show that reflects in the sea and flies in the sky. This moment is a favorite among people for being the most special moment of the night.

Photo of the night of San Juan

Things to see and do in Salobrena 

The old town of Salobrena is already in itself a monument, but you should know that Salobrena has many things you should know before visiting it, and from here we will provide you with all the necessary information so that once you are there you do not have to worry about anything else, just to visit each place that we will tell you. 

We assure you that this little guide that we give you gathers some of the best places to see and the best things to do. 

It has some neighborhoods that are very picturesque like the neighborhood of La Loma, the neighborhood of La Fuente, El Brocal and the well known Albaycín. 

Pay attention and take note of the following places that we will tell you. 

Moorish Castle

The existence of a fortification in Salobreña is known since the 10th century. Although this distribution is directly related to the construction that was erected in the Nasrid period. 

Inside you can enjoy neither more nor less than three enclosures; the interior corresponds to its layout in the old Nasrid fortress. 

The Arab castle is what resulted at the end of the Muslim and Christian architecture. 

It enjoys refreshing internal gardens that surround the architectural volumes. 

In addition, from the towers you can contemplate Salobreña at your feet. In a single glance you have Salobreña at your feet. 

Thanks to the towers, the battlements and the walls, together with its enclave and landscapes have made the castle one of the most visited monuments of the coast. 

From OwayTours we assure you that you will not be dissatisfied once you visit the monument, as it is considered by visitors one of the best places to see in Salobrena.

Photo of the castle

Postigo Viewpoint

As its name says, the Postigo viewpoint is an area located in the part of Salobrena dedicated and created so that the visitor can admire and see the views from this “balcony” in the area. 

You can only access it by a small staircase that is located in the park of the Postigo. 

The name is due to the existence of a small secondary door of the medieval city, which in earlier times was called Postigo de Mar, since from it you could enter the same beach and medieval port-shelter that was in the town. 

At the present time it is a small balcony that is in the north zone of Salobreña and from it you will be able to appreciate incredible panoramic views on the hillsides and the valley. 

Although this viewpoint does not give directly to the sea, you should not worry because it gives you another type of incredible views. 

Through it you will be able to see the incredible villas located in the area, as well as some hillsides that are located in a beautiful valley. 

If you find this curious that we tell you, do not stay without visiting this viewpoint that Salobreña has, because you will not regret it.

Photo of the village

Hiking and mountain biking 

If you like and practice cycle tourism you are in luck because Salobrena and the Costa Tropical has a network of trails made to measure for people who want to do this type of tourism. 

This place has fantastic and varied itineraries for MTB and Road that you can do through natural areas that have an important value in our region, the coastal villages, the valleys of tropical fruit production or white villages in the interior. 

You can take the opportunity to know in a very different way the hills and mountains that surround the area of Salobreña. 

In addition to all the places that you can know, you can take advantage to make a sport tourism in the best company. 

There are three types of routes that you can do if you decide to do this type of tourism:

  • Route Salobreña – Cabra montes 
  • Route Salobreña – Nerja 
  • Salobreña – Los Guajáres Route 

From here, we encourage you to know parts and corners of Salobreña in a very different and special way.

Photo of a man riding a bicycle

Savor the delicacies of the gastronomy of Salobrena.

Salobreña, in addition to an infinity of things to see and activities to do, has something more. And is that the gastronomy of this place has too much quality for you to stay without trying it. 

They say that one of the pleasures of human beings is to eat. And if you add to this a gastronomic route through one of the most special areas of Salobrena we assure you that you will not be indifferent. 

The area of Salobreña enjoys a very rich and tasty gastronomy and that is why visitors flock to many of its restaurants to try it. 

In the restaurants and bars of Salobrena you can try many varied dishes such as fish, seafood and tropical fruits such as custard apple, avocado or mango. These products also have the curiosity that in the vast majority of cases in restaurants, are used as the basis of many traditional and innovative dishes. 

Things to see and do in Motril

Finally, from Oway Tours we would like to tell you a little about the area of Motril, which despite having left it for the end has nothing to envy to Almuñecar and Salobreña. 

Motril is the second most important town in the province of Granada. 

It is considered one of the best tourist destinations to visit in summer for its beautiful beaches and the amount of things you can do and see in this place. 

You can take advantage of the activities that Motril offers you after spending a good day of sun and beach while listening to the sound of the waves in the background. 

You can find churches, interpretation centers, museums and other buildings of historical and artistic interest that make up the catalog of interesting things to see in Motril.

Beach from far away

Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza.

This sanctuary was built at first on the citadel that defended Motril in Muslim times and was also a place of residence of Queen Aixa Alhorra, mother of Boabdil. 

Aixa Alhorra, mother of Boabdil.

The construction of this temple began in 1631, by Isidro de la Chica, in a very austere proto-baroque style.

It was partially destroyed during the Civil War and restored in the second third of the twentieth century. 

The image that represents this temple, the Virgen de La Cabeza, dates back to antiquity, specifically to the fifteenth century and is considered a carving of Mediterranean tradition. 

Do not stay without visiting this wonderful Sanctuary, known by all the residents of Motril. 

As long as you take care to detail your visit to this site the residents of the area will be delighted that you visit it and know its history and devotion.

Sanctuary photo

Park of the Pueblos de America.

This park can be found south of Motril, you can’t miss it. 

It is considered as one of the green lungs of the area, since the subtropical climate has allowed this park to be considered as a kind of nexus of union with North America. 

Walking through the park, among its paths we can appreciate a great variety of species of trees, shrubs and palms, all of them coming from different parts of America.

You should take advantage of your visit to Motril to know this beautiful park located south of Motril, as you will feel accompanied at all times by the tree species found in it. 

Take the opportunity to walk under the shade of these species. 

It has tree species such as Bouganvilleas, lantanas and almost half a dozen species such as the Ombu, Liquilambar, Sabal, Eritrinas, Plumerias, etc.. 

It has two decorative fountains that will allow you to cool off in the hottest summer months and give it an even more beautiful touch. 

Take a walk through what many people call “two worlds”.

Photo of the botanical park

Agrotourism routes

If you are a lover of tourism linked to ecology and you visit Motril, you must know this type of tourism that Motril offers you. 

This place has some agrotourism routes thanks to the tradition and expansion of tropical and intensive agriculture on the coast of Granada.

If you visit this place, take the opportunity to know the customs and values that will transmit you the residents of Motril who love this type of activity. 

Normally, this type of tourism will also allow you to visit the tropical plantation and greenhouse farms and/or marketing companies; tastings, etc.

In this type of tourism you will always or almost always find surprises along the way. 

These routes are normally open with a minimum group size and designed for each group. 

You should make this type of reservation 15 days in advance. 

Normally only people over 13 years of age will be admitted (unless the route is specifically designed for school or student groups). 

Comfortable shoes and water are recommended.


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