The famous iron bridge, known by all Cordobans. These are fans of hiking and natural views. It’s an ideal place to take a photo session, stop for a snack or a bite to eat in a different atmosphere. You can have a vertigo experience or contemplate the landscape of La Palomera from the heights. In this article we will give you all the information about the iron bridge of Cordoba. Enter now and find out more at OWAY Tours.
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This viaduct is the most important project of the Cordoba-Almuchon railway line. It was built by the Córdoba-Bermez Railway Company and completed on 5 September 1873. It is also a current landmark for walkers and cyclists, especially an important place in the memory book of the Palomera copper mine.
The exploitation of the Espiel and Belmez bonanza was in the sights of the company that manages the Córdoba-Málaga railway line. It has a commercial interest in transporting ore. To look for nearby ports is to look for an outlet for the treasures of the Sierra Morena hinterland. The public authorities have never sought to industrialise the basin. Since ancient times the interest of the people has been mining, this being in the year 1845.
In 1854, for the Conde Santa Olalla to obtain the long awaited concession was cancelled at the same time.
A new concession was obtained seven years later, in 1861 by Francisco Romá began.
In November the Belméz-Alhondiguilla sector was put into service, in July 1873 Alhondiguilla -Obejo and in September Obejo-Córdoba.

The inhabitants of Córdoba have always known it as Puente de Hierro or Pedroches.
Description of the bridge
In 1980, a 313-032-5 locomotive and a hopper wagon full of stones were used to carry out a static test. The production line used DIESEL engines of the 308 and then 313 series. The production line was finally partially closed in 1992, when the network was transformed with the introduction of high-speed rail, but the line was always limited to 10 kilometres per hour.
It has a single longitudinal section of 152 metres, two central supports 33 metres high.
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Where it is located
This unique bridge is located in a natural area well-known and frequented by Cordobeses for nature, hiking and extreme sports lovers. In any case, many people who for many decades have frequented the place to make peroles (meals) or other activities in nature. Some of these caves are inhabited.
The whole area is populated by greenery and small caves. It also has a speleological interest.
The main entrances to La Palomera are at: El Barrio del Naranjo, El Barrio (Mirabuenos housing estate), and through the Santo Domingo housing estate.
To reach the bridge itself, it is necessary to follow an entertaining path. The first obligatory stop is the Fuente de la Palomera, there are no signs to get there, but it is surrounded by vegetation. It is not very difficult to find. Taking a slight path next to the Palomera stream, you will find it and the river.

You can see a fountain with a rectangular-shaped water trough, with masonry walls and a brick roof.
On the way back to the path, there are two well-known buildings that everyone stops to look at. The first one is the old needle keeper’s house, now in ruins. The other one is a small station, which is still inhabited.

Once you have passed these constructions, you will find a well-marked path surrounded by trees. At the end of it, you will have reached the marked destination: the Iron Bridge.
To return at the starting point, you can retrace the same steps you have taken to reach the same place of origin. It is not easy to get lost in this area, as it is usually very crowded or has several clear exits.
On this “bridge”, you can still find planks and remains of the train track that used to pass over there. You can even see some trap doors to go down to an area under the bridge. However, if you have vertigo or any kind of fear of heights, it is advisable not to try this experience. Underneath the bridge there are several supports where many people also practice various extreme sports, such as Parkour, for which you need to be skilled.
It is one of the most photogenic bridges in the whole city, beating even the beauty of the Roman bridge, when the sunset sets. Almost every Cordoban has a photograph on the Puente de Hierro, as it is one of the most singular and unique spaces in the whole city. A good time to take a photograph is at sunset.
Unfortunately, being such a high bridge, you can also imagine the terrible curiosity that we are going to mention. Many lives have been lost on this bridge. You can see how there are several bouquets of flowers and other gifts placed on the bridge by the families and friends of the victims. They remember them and pay tribute to them.
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