
Traditional Dishes of Seville

Seville is a city and province located in the south, in Andalusia. Its almost 700,000 citizens say it is the most beautiful city in the world. And you can’t deny that. Sevillians think that the streets and monuments of Seville are worthy of being admired by all, not only for their beauty, but also for the light they give off.

But also, what makes everyone who visits this city fall in love with it is its gastronomy. The typical food of Seville is very influenced by the Mediterranean diet typical of Andalusian cuisine. Moreover, all the history that this city has lived is also reflected in its delicacies. We will tell you about it below:

Typical dishes in Seville.

In Seville, and in general in Andalusia, it is very typical to go out for tapas, and to order several dishes to share, with a good wine or a very fresh beer. Although you can also try these same recipes in individual dishes.


Ideal for ordering in the summer! It is a cold soup of tomato, pepper, garlic, cucumber, oil, vinegar and salt. A real Andalusian delicacy. Accompany it with diced ham and hard-boiled egg.


Pescaíto frito (Fried fish)

This dish consists of a frying of different types of fish: anchovies, squids, puntillitas, cuttlefish, acedíasAll these are wrapped in flour and fried with very hot oil. Order them also to take away in a brown paper cartridge.

Pescaíto frito

Bacalao con tomate (Cod with tomato)

This dish is very typical to be eaten throughout the year, but especially on Lent Fridays and Good Friday. It consists of cutting a cod into large pieces and making a tomato sauce with peppers and onions.

Cod with tomatoe


There are many varieties of preparation for snails. In Seville the most common is with chilli, fennel and pennyroyal. The season for snails is spring-summer.


Cocido (Spanish stew)

Possibly one of the most loved recipes by the Sevillians. Also known as puchero, it is a chickpea stew with different types of meat: chicken, black pudding, etc.

Cocido andaluz

Serranitos and montaditos.

If you want to feel like a good Sevillian, you have to try the serranitos or the montaditos. At first glance they may look the same, but they are not. Serranitos are chicken or beef sandwiches with pepper, tomato and ham. Accompany them with aioli.

Montaditos are smaller sandwiches that can be filled with almost any ingredient you can think of. The most typical are: loin, tortilla, sirloin with whisky, piripi, pringá, chicken, etc.

Montaditos Sevilla

Pisto con huevo (Ratatouille with egg)

This recipe is ideal for eating vegetables without realizing it. Its preparation is very easy: cut the vegetables (zucchini, aubergine, onion, leek, etc) and fry them until they are soft. Add the fried tomato and when everything is ready, fry an egg and enjoy! It is recommended to take a lot of bread to flock the dish.


Chipirones a la plancha (Grilled squid)

One of the easiest recipes if you know how to cook them. And in Seville, they know how do it very well. They’re cut squid and made on a griddle or in a frying pan. They are served with a green sauce that gives them even more flavour.

Chipirones a la plancha

Espinacas con garbanzos (Spinach is chickpeas)

This recipe is very typical to prepare at Easter above all. It consists of a dish of chickpeas and spinach cooked individually, and then joined together in a pan with different spices. It is possible that this is one of the most typical dishes in Seville.

Espinacas con garbanzos

Rabo de toro (Bull’s tail)

Bullfighting is a very practiced and loved art in Seville. For this reason, you should not miss the opportunity to order a tapa of bull’s tail in the El Arenal neighbourhood; the bullfighting district par excellence in Seville. The dish consists of a mixture of bull’s tail, onion, garlic, wine.

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